Friday, December 17, 2010

EDLD 5306 - Course Reflection

What outcomes had you envisioned for this course? Did you achieve those outcomes? Did the actual course outcomes align with those that you envisioned?
With this being my first graduate course, I really didn’t know what to expect.  I know a lot about technology, but educational technology was questionable.  One of the outcomes I envisioned from this course was being able to take things that I learned from the course and apply them in my classroom.  I have definitely achieved those outcomes.  I now have many different form of technology such as Wikis, blogs, and Wordle’s that I can incorporate in my regular lessons. I had heard of all these things before, but never actually took the time to work with these simple technologies. I have learned many different ways to incorporate technology into the classroom and make learning more fun and excited for the students while also building their technology knowledge and skills.  I am satisfied with the actual course outcomes.  They did align with the outcomes I envisioned before enrolling in the course.
To the extent that you achieved the outcomes, are they still relevant to the work that you do in your school? Why or why not?
The outcomes that I achieved in the course are still relevant to the work that I do in my school.  For example, I can find many activities or vocabulary lessons that I can use or have the students use Wordle’s.  Wordle’s are a great tool for introducing vocabulary for the next chapter of just having students brainstorm words that go with a particular topic that we are studying.  They are a really fun way of presenting information…all the kids seem to like them, even high school students.  I think blogs are a cool way for students to get writing experience while having fun at the same time.  Instead of having students keep a paper journal in which they write their opinions, I think it is better these days to do it by blog.  This way the students can easily share their journal with other students and the teacher.
What outcomes did you not achieve? What prevented you from achieving them?
I feel like I achieved most of the course outcomes.  The instructor, or the class itself, is not what prevented me from achieving all the course outcomes.  I had some personal family issues come up during week 3 which prevented me from completing all of the assigned work and reading from that point.  Had I been able to finish all of the assigned I feel that I would have achieved the course outcomes.  Most likely, I will finish the reading sometime in January, as I still feel it is very important to read.  I learn a lot of information from the weekly articles that we read.  They are very interesting.
Were you successful in carrying out the course assignments? If not, what prevented or discouraged you?
During the first part of the course I was very successful in carrying out the course assignments.  Toward week 3 I got behind in my weekly assignment I did not complete all the weeks work.  I had some personal issue that prevented me from finishing some of the assignment.  Between working full-time and my family I couldn’t manage to fit in everything that I needed to.  I was a little discouraged when I was turning in incomplete assignments, but after emailing Sarah she was willing to work me because of some of the issues I was having.  The class instructor and instructional associate are really vested in you education.  You can tell that a student being successful is their number one priority.  They are both easy to get ahold of and reply to any of your questions or concerns quickly.
What did you learn from this course…about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes?

I learned a wealth of information from the course in the short five week period.  I learned that there is a lot in regards to technology that that I did not know.  But I also learned that there are many things that I learned in the class that I had already implemented in my classroom.  That proved to be a good feeling. :)  I have many new skills that I can take back to my classroom and use to enhance the learning of my students.  I also learned that 5 week graduate programs are intensive and I won’t be able to complete the next class (Research) right now. I think I will take a break and start back after Spring break or maybe even after school ends.  Research is not by best skill, even with me being certified in ELA 8-12.  So, I will wait to take that class when I have more free-time.

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